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Showing 1-6 of 6 titles.
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Behind Closed Doors

Edited by Agness Jack
Categories: Biography & Autobiography

Behind Closed Doors features written testimonials from thirty-two individuals who attended the Kamloops Indian Residential School. The school was one of many infamous residential schools that operated ...

From Lishamie

With astonishing detail, Albert Canadien fondly recounts his boyhood years in Lishamie, a traditional Dene camp north of the Mackenzie River, and reflects on the devastating and long-lasting impact residential ...

Threads of My Life

She loves life in spite of everything. Conceived as the result of a rape, she herself was raped at the age of 14. Her name is Hilaria Supa Huaman. She is 47 years old and self-educated. She has lived ...

Furious Observations of a Blue-eyed Ojibway

Furious Observations of a Blue-Eyed Ojibway is the third volume of short stories and articles by playwright and author Drew Hayden Taylor. The books in this series of humorous and anecdotal observations ...

Further Adventures of a Blue-eyed Ojibway

Further Adventures of a Blue-Eyed Ojibway is the sequel to the popular Funny, You Don't Look Like One. This all-new second collection of stories and articles is divided into the following themes: "Adventure ...

Funny You Don't Look Like One

Funny, You Don't Look Like One is the first book in what became a series of four by Drew Hayden Taylor. The articles, essays and columns in this volume cover many issues pertaining to Aboriginal life ...