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Howard Adams

Howard Adams is the acclaimed author of Prison of Grass. In 1999, in recognition of his outstanding contribution, he was awarded a National Aboriginal Achievement Award. He died in 2001. Tortured People: ...

Donna Goodleaf

Donna Goodleaf is a Mohawk from Kahnawake territory. She is associated with the Traditional Longhouse in her territory and has a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Entering ...

Bill Cohen

Bill Cohen is from the Okanagan Nation with extensive kinship ties throughout British Columbia and Washington. He specializes in the areas of Indigenous knowledge, research, education and transforming ...

Lee Maracle

Lee Maracle was one of the first Aboriginal people to be published in the early 1970s, and she is now one of the most highly published First Nations writers in Canada. Among her many books are Bent Box, ...

Jeannette Armstrong

Jeannette Armstrong is Syilx Okanagan, a fluent speaker and teacher of the Nsyilxcn Okanagan language and a traditional knowledge keeper of the Okanagan Nation. She currently is Associate Professor and ...

Shirley Louis

Shirley Louis lives at Six Mile Creek on the Okanagan Indian Reserve at Vernon, British Columbia. She is of Okanagan Indian heritage. She has written two books. We Heard It in the Bushes: The Macdougall ...