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Showing 51-60 of 251 results.
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AmberLee Kolson

From first-time novelist AmberLee Kolson comes a wise, gently humorous, and deeply compassionate novel about a woman whose efforts to recover the moments of a stolen life leads her on an unexpected journey ...

George Blondin

A respected Elder and storyteller, George Blondin maintains the storytelling traditions of the Dene people. He is the author of several books where he depicts the tales of medicine heroes, hunters and ...

Stella Calahasen

Stella Calahasen was born and raised in the Hamlet of Grouard in Northern Alberta and is a member of the Woodland Cree First Nation. During the long winter nights, her parents told Cree stories and legends ...

Ron Hall

Ron Hall is an Aboriginal artist of Okanagan and Thompson ancestry and is a member of the Osoyoos Band. The father of five children, he is recognized for his efforts to protect the environment and the ...

Ray McSwain

Raised in Behchoko, the largest Dene community in the Northwest Territories, Ray spent his life surrounded by the same natural, scenic beauty that has inspired many Northern Aboriginal people to become ...

Janet Kaszonyi

Born in Vancouver, Janet Kaszonyi is a Métis who traces her ancestry back to the Red River Settlement. She grew up with her deaf mother, great aunt and a dog on a farm in a small town called Onoway in ...

Virginia Football

In 1968 many Dogrib stories were collected by Virginia Football of her people. How the Fox Got Crossed Legs and How Fox Saved the People were both told in Dogrib by her father Sam Football. Virginia then ...

James Wedzin

James Wedzin is a Tłįchǫ artist from Behchokö, Northwest Territories. He started making art at age four and soon developed his own style. At age fourteen, James started selling his creations and became ...